Fotos from M.Oliveira PPS file

doesn isnt that amazing?? it looks like its all covered in lime green moss... i think this was taken during the great depression.. sad :(
i think caroline and i were there with our family. it was designed by Gaudi. the snow is up to the freakin top of the telephone poles!!!!! thats crazy! isnt that so cool? its taken on a boat looking at those sting ray-like things!
im not sure if that tree isnt the sunlight beautiful? this is one of my favorites. it looks so mystical... like an eye...
they ok. if i was the one who had to take this picture, i would probably have a heart attack haha.
i haha. this is one of my favorites. thats so cute! he looks like a little pom-pom with wings!
wow. i wouldnt want my bike to be stuck in the middle of that... do you guys remember this dude?? martha taught us about this artist i think... now THAT is amazing!
where the heck is that?
yeah right... a hair-dryer??